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Peintures murales du XVe siècle dans la principauté de Liège

Regards croisés sur la chapelle du château de Ponthoz et l'église de Bois

I. Hans-Collas (ed.)
With contributions by A. Bergmans, T. Coomans, E. De Groote, A. Marchandisse, C. Masson, W. Schudel & M. Van Bos, en de medewerking van d'H. Wouters
ISBN 978-2-930054-27-8
2016, KIK-IRPA, 431 p.
Available in French (with one article in English)
€ 48
Also for sale at the KIK-IRPA’s reception desk

Two exceptional wall paintings

Two wall painting ensembles from the 15th century, as exceptional as they are little known, are at the heart of a fascinating multidisciplinary investigation: those of the chapel of Saint-Hubert in the castle of Ponthoz and those of the church of Saint-Lambert de Bois (municipality of Clavier, Wallonia, Belgium). A team of specialists immersed themselves in the painted decorations of these two hamlets and examined all their aspects.

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Close ties between the artist and the designers

The focus was on gaining a better understanding of the place and the building, analysing the alteration phenomena of the wall paintings, understanding the role of the donors, identifying the painted images and appreciating the painter's workmanship. The observations and chemical analyses carried out in situ, the exploitation of a rich documentation never published before and the iconographic and stylistic comparisons have provided numerous answers, which are brought together in this double monograph.

All the clues converge to attribute these monumental works painted around 1460 to the same artist or, at least, to the same workshop. Their prestigious initiators are Canon Wautier de Corswarem and the Lord of Bois, who are concerned with the implementation of scholarly programmes that they entrust to a talented painter. The choice of materials, the technical mastery, the iconographic themes and the connection to other artistic milieus, in particular illuminated manuscripts, are all aspects that intertwine, mutually enrich each other and attest to close ties between the artist and the designers.

Ce remarquable bilan de recherche offre une nouvelle vision de la production picturale du XVe siècle liégeois et invite à visiter ces œuvres méconnues.

M. Serck-Dewaide (Revue belge d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, LXXXVII, 2018)
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