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Lambert Lombard

Lambert Lombard, renaissanceschilder (Luik 1505/06-1566)
Interdisciplinaire essays en tentoonstellingscatalogus

G. Denhaene (ed.)
With contributions by F. Bierlaire, A. Lienardy, I. Lecocq, D. Steyaert, P. Fraiture, M.-E. Henneau, J. Debergh, C. Fontaine, C. De Boulard, C. Oger, N. Laquiere, F. Rosier, L. Depuydt-Elbaum, M. Postec, M.-A. Mouffe, C. Mehagnoul, P. Duquesnoy, J. Sanyova, S. Saverwyns, C. Van De Velde, Pierre-Yves Kairis & S. Denoël
ISBN 978-2-930054-06-3
2006, KIK-IRPA, 534
Available in Dutch, French
€ 20 (Last copies in French!)
Also for sale at the KIK-IRPA’s reception desk

To mark the 500th anniversary of the birth of Renaissance painter Lambert Lombard of Liège, an exhibition was dedicated to his work, organized under UNESCO's patronage. Among the works exhibited was the ensemble of eight paintings from Herkenrode Abbey, The Virtuous Women. The panels were reunited for the first time since the end of the eighteenth century.

This publication describes the conservation of these eight paintings in the KIK-IRPA in preparation for the exhibition and also includes the exhibition catalogue. Anyone interested in Renaissance painting will be captivated by this book!

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