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Patrimoines en mouvement

Entre préservation et dévotion

Actes du colloque international des 27 et 28 avril 2017 Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique (IRPA), Bruxelles

C. Marchant (coord.)
ISBN 978-2-930624-14-3
2019, Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, 188
Available in French
Serie: Other
€ 25

This book corresponds to the proceedings of the international colloquium "Patrimoines en mouvement. Entre préservation et dévotion" which took place at the KIK-IRPA in Brussels on 27 and 28 April 2017, a colloquium co-organised by KIK-IRPA and the Direction du Patrimoine culturel du Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. This volume contains the papers which, on the basis of Belgian, French and Spanish cases, contributed to the general reflection on how to reconcile the opposing values presiding over the preservation of intangible manifestations and the movable heritage which constitutes their source. It also includes the transcript of the round table discussion led by specialists from different backgrounds that closed the conference.

This volume is the third in the Protection du Patrimoine culturel series, intended to allow the publication of studies, summaries and reflections on the protection of cultural heritage in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

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