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Working with Glass in Belgium

Deux journées d’échanges en novembre 2022 dans le cadre de l’Année internationale du verre

Date et heure
17 novembre 2022 09:00 - 18 novembre 2022 18:00
Bruxelles, Parc du Cinquantenaire & Charleroi, Bois du Cazier

Dans le cadre de l’Année internationale du verre portée par l’ONU, l’IRPA, en collaboration avec les Musées royaux d’Art et d’Histoire (MRAH) et le Musée du Verre de Charleroi, organisera deux journées d’échanges autour de ce matériau.

Le 17 novembre, après une présentation sur les collections de verre en Belgique qui se déroulera au Musée Art & Histoire de Bruxelles, vous aurez l'occasion de visiter la galerie des verres anciens et l’exposition temporaire "Médaillons. Des miniatures sur verre". Dans l'après-midi, à l'IRPA, Géraldine Bussienne vous fera découvrir l'Atelier des verres et céramiques. Isabelle Lecocq présentera ses recherches et son activité dans le domaine le vitrail, la documentation et la photothèque. Helena Wouters expliquera son travail au sein du Laboratoire des verres.

Le 18 novembre, un symposium "Working with glass in Belgium" réunira les acteurs du verre en Belgique sur le site du Bois du Cazier à Marcinelle.

NOVEMBER 17, 2022


Morning at the Royal Museum of Art and History

10, Parc du Cinquantenaire, 1000 Brussel

9.45 am : Introduction: A look at three glass collections/ museums in Brussels, Liège and Charleroi – in French Valérie Montens, Catherine Thomas and Isabelle Verhoeven

10.15 am : Visit of the Glass Gallery – in French

11.30 am: Visit of the semi-permanent exhibition “Medallions. Miniatures on glass“– in French

Afternoon at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage

1, Parc du Cinquantenaire, 1000 Brussel

2 pm : Welcome by Hilde de Clercq, Director, and Camille de Clercq, Head of Conservation and Restoration Department

2.30 pm : Visits

  • Study, documentation and inventory: Isabelle Lecocq, in the Documentation Centre (in French)
  • Conservation and restoration of glass, Géraldine Bussienne, in the Glass and Ceramic Studio (in French)
  • Study and analysis of glass : Helena Wouters, in the Glass Lab (in French or in Dutch)

4.30 pm : Friendly time and exchanges

NOVEMBER 18, 2022


The Glass Museum of Charleroi /

Espace « Amercoeur » – The Bois du Cazier

80, rue du Cazier, 80, 6001 Marcinelle

8.30 am : Reception and breakfast

9 am : Opening

  • Thomas dermine, State Secretary for Science Policy, Recovery Program and Strategic Investments

9.10 - 11 am

Session I : Restoration and preventive conservation

Session chair: Catherine Thomas


  • Teaching glass conservation at ENSAV La Cambre - Sarah Benrubi
  • Teaching conservation and restoration of glass at ESA Saint-Luc Liège School of art : current research - Catherine Cools

Daily heritage restoration

  • Stained glass conservation in Wallonia & Brussels - Patrick Broers
  • Stained glass research in between Art history and Conservation - Aletta Rambaut
  • Conservation and chrono-typological studies of glass at KIK-IRPA - Géraldine Bussienne
  • From Blaschka’s glass models to wheel glass engraving - Isabelle Pirotte
  • 75 years of Atelier Mestdagh, a story of passion, tradition and change - Katrien Mestdagh

11 am : Breaktime and exchanges

11.15 am – 1 pm

Session II : Glass industry

Session chair: Jean-Pierre deLande

  • CEFOVERRE : the Glass skills center - Gert achten & Jérémie Fraselle
  • The Belgian Glass Federation : a constant evolution in line with its industry - Thomas daVreux
  • How does AGC intend to decarbonize the flat glass industry? - Marc Foguenne
  • Glass packaging – facts and figures in Belgium - Yann Wetz

Session III : Museums

Session chair: Géraldine Bussienne

  • Waiting for the tram. The Glass department of the Grand Curtius in Liège - Isabelle Verhoeven
  • Glass in The Art & History Museum : which perspectives? - Valérie Montens
  • The Glass Museum of Charleroi: from a personal collection to public inheritance - Catherine Thomas

1 pm : Lunch

2.15 – 4.15 pm

Session IV : Research in history of art and archaeology

Session chair : Yvette Vanden Bemden

  • The production of core-formed glass vessels in late Archaic to Hellenistic times - Peter cosyns
  • The Corpus Vitrearum. International research project (UAI) recording historical stained glass - Madeleine Manderyck
  • Macro- and microscopic examination of glass - Helena Wouters
  • Archaeological and archaeometrical studies of glass at Liège University and beyond - Line Van Wersch
  • An art historian’s take on stained glass - Isabelle Lecocq
  • Windows glass in Gallia Belgica and Germania Inferior : production and uses - Géraldine Frère

Session V : Artistic Glass – Teaching and Creations

Session chair : Anne Van Latum

  • IKA glass, a melting pot of arts & crafts since almost 40 years - Sandra de Clerck
  • How to teach glass art in Academies of fine arts at a reduced schedule - Véronique de Barquin, Chantal Delporte, Barbara Faludi
  • The space projet - Stijn Wuyts
  • Artiste, nom m/f : a person who creates art using conscious skill and creative imagination - Anuschka Bayens/Anusch B

4.30 pm : Conclusions

4.45 pm : Reception

Registrations only by email to the address

You can register for both days or just one (please specify it in your email)

Les prochains événements de l'IRPA

The Archduchess Isabella (1566-1633). Artistic Agency between Madrid and the Southern Netherlands

12 septembre 2024 09:00 - 13 septembre 2024 16:00 - Instituto Cervantes & Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Brussels

The twenty-third Art History Seminar of the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) is organised in collaboration with the research project AGENART at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). It will take place on 12th-13th September 2024 at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage and at the Instituto Cervantes, both in Brussels, highlighting various fascinating aspects of the artistic patronage of the remarkable woman who was the Archduchess Isabella, who lived in Madrid and Brussels between 1566 and 1633.

Voir les détails