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Restauratie sacramentstoren Aalst: The (un)covered truth

Camille De Clercq doet een van de topwerken uit de Sint-Martinuskerk uit de doeken: de sacramentstoren.

Datum en tijdstip
17 juni 2021 20:00 - 21:00

Het is gratis & zonder inschrijving te volgen via deze link.

Aankomende evenementen van het KIK

The Archduchess Isabella (1566-1633). Artistic Agency between Madrid and the Southern Netherlands

12 september 2024 09:00 - 13 september 2024 16:00 - Instituto Cervantes & Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Brussels

The twenty-third Art History Seminar of the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) is organised in collaboration with the research project AGENART at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). It will take place on 12th-13th September 2024 at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage and at the Instituto Cervantes, both in Brussels, highlighting various fascinating aspects of the artistic patronage of the remarkable woman who was the Archduchess Isabella, who lived in Madrid and Brussels between 1566 and 1633.

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